Why Do Tampa Homeowners Switch to Solar?

There are not many states that beat the Florida lifestyle, the year-round warm weather, world-class beaches, beautiful outdoor entertainment, and are home to some of the most famous attractions in the world.

Maybe that’s why about one-third of America travels to Florida at some point during the year!

Being caught up in your everyday life, you may take living in Tampa for granted; or maybe you don’t. But just think how lucky you are to live in Tampa year-round!

Being in the sunshine state, Tampa enjoys more than 150 bright sunshiny days! So amongst all the awesome reasons to live in Florida, Expert Solar is about to add one more reason to the list!

Why Your Tampa Home Loves Solar Power

Control Your Electric Bill

With sunshine comes hot sunny days! Over half of your electric bill goes towards powering your air conditioner, making your home cool and comfortable year round. That’s why many Florida homeowners are switching to solar power. Producing your own energy with solar panels, having solar power allows you to not only control your electric bill but reduce it if not eliminate it! Not only will you gain independence from your energy bill, but you will gain the freedom to use your electricity when you want and how you want to create a comfortable home without worrying about what it’s going to cost you at the end of the month!

Federal Tax Credits for Switching to Solar

As a state, Florida has set goals to reduce the amount of pollution created by using more renewable energy. To help support this, when you install solar panels on your home or business in Florida, the federal government offers you substantial tax credits through the federal solar tax credit program. This means you get about one-third of your solar investment back! However, the percentage of tax credit is predicted to go down each year. This year it already went down from 30% to 26% and it’s projected to go further down next year as well. Going solar now will help you make the most of your solar investment.

Solar Power Protects The Environment

It’s no secret that energy produced by burning coal and fossil fuels creates a massive amount of pollution that is not good for the environment, nor is it good for you! According to the EPA, electricity is also the largest source of air pollution on the planet! With more and more homeowners switching to solar every single day, and over 2 million solar installations in the U.S., you can do your part to reduce yours and Florida’s dependence on electricity produced by burning fossil fuels and help the environment.

Avoid Every Increasing Electricity Costs

Did you ever notice that your electricity bill seems to get bigger and bigger every year? You may think it’s your A/C getting old or your insulation becoming less efficient. And while those play a role, every year electricity prices increase an overage of 4%. By installing solar panels on your home, you will not only save money but you will avoid the yearly increases in electricity costs.

Free Solar Estimate

Save By Switching to Solar 

Save money, reduce your electricity costs, avoid increasing costs, get a tax credit and help the environment! As you can see there isn’t really a downside to solar power! Expert Solar is one of  Tampa’s fastest-growing solar companies, helping hundreds of homes switch to solar power! Contact us to schedule a free estimate! 

Ricardo SolArticle by:
Ricardo Sol
Senior Editor