Expert Solar Blog
How Effective Are Solar Panels?
If you’re looking into solar panels and considering switching to solar power, this article will give you a quick overview of solar panels, their reliability, and their effectiveness. Preface: As we believe your education is one of the most important parts of the...
What Does Photovoltaic Mean?
What Does Photovoltaic Mean? If you’ve ever researched or looked into how solar panels work, you’ve undoubtedly read or heard about the “photovoltaic effect” or “PV”. “Photovoltaic” seems like a very complicated and scientific word, but it’s actually not. Here is a...
Is Solar Power the Future of Energy?
The last decade has seen major advancements in the field of solar technology. But the question remains, in the future will we be able to depend on solar panels and solar power to supply the world with electricity? Is solar power the future of energy? I recently...
The Parts of a Solar Power System
What Are The Different Parts of a Solar PV System?If you've been thinking about installing solar panels in Tampa, for your home or business, you've most likely been picturing something like this:Well yes, that's what solar panels look like on your home! But there's...
What are Micro-Inverters?
If you've been doing research on solar panels or have been considering a solar installation for your home, you may have run across different types of inverters. In this article, you'll learn about micro-inverters and how do they give your solar panels an advantage...
How Long Do Solar Panels Last?
How Long Does a Solar Panel Last?If you’ve been considering solar panels for your home, you’ve most likely wondered about how long your solar panels will last. Most solar installers will tell you that your solar panels will last between 25 and 30 years. While that’s...
Will Solar Panels Ruin My Roof?
Electricity prices are getting out of hand; for that reason, a lot of homeowners in Tampa Bay are looking into solar panels as an alternative option, and as a way to lower their electricity bills. In fact, so far more than 60,000 homes in Tampa have solar panels and...
Do Solar Panels Work at Night?
Do solar panels work at night? No, solar panels do not generate electricity at night. However, this doesn’t mean that solar panels can’t power your home, nor does it mean you’ll be left without electricity when the sun goes down. So how does it work? There are two...
The Best Way To Switch to Solar In 2024 – Homeowners Edition
Homeowners are switching to solar power as a way to reduce energy costs. Advancing solar technology and increased demand, have helped make solar panels more affordable. Adding solar panels to your home is an easy choice for homeowners to pay less for electricity....