Solar Lending Options for Homeowners December 2023 Looking for solar lending providers? GoodLeap, Sunlight, Sunnova, HomeRun, ClimateFirst, and Dividend are among the most prolific names in solar lending options. You need to know which solar loan company is really...
Free Solar Sales Training
Enphase IQ8 vs IQ7 Series Micro-Inverters: How IQ8 Changes Solar Installations
Enphase micro-inverters are among the most popular micro-inverters available on the market to date, and respectively, one of the suggested solar companies to invest in for solar stocks. In recent news, Enphase has released its newest micro-inverter, the IQ8-series....
Beyond the sale – How to build client relationships
Selling solar can be very challenging, especially if you are new to the industry, and salespeople are the face of the company, they are responsible for making the first impression on potential clients. The initial interaction between the salesperson and the client can...
What is a solar power purchase agreement?
A solar power purchase agreement (PPA) is when a developer pays to install a solar energy system on a homeowner’s property and sells the solar energy to the homeowner at a fixed rate. The process of getting solar panels on your property is quite a task. You’re...
Solar Sales Tools
By the third quarter of 2020, the U.S. had installed enough solar panels to power 16.4 million homes. With a stunning 6% of U.S. homeowners saying they had already installed solar panels on their home, it's safe to say that we are in the middle of a solar-boom. But...
4 Points to Include When You Talk About Solar with a Client
Every day, more and more homeowners are investing in solar installations as a way to reduce their energy costs, help the environment, and become more energy independent. While solar offers a myriad of awesome benefits, homeowners who want to invest in solar still...
Three Main Benefits of Switching to Solar
THE JETSONS, Jane, Judy, Astro, Elroy & George Jetson, 1962-87 Not too long ago solar panels on top of a house looked like something you had seen on the Jetsons. As a homeowner, the idea of going solar was not only full of black holes (pun intended) but it also...
Why Are So Many Homeowners Switching to Solar?
If you’re interested in partnering with a local solar installer as a way to offer your clients additional value, while earning some extra income for yourself or your company, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the current U.S. solar boom. In this article, we will cover...